Sharon S. Stewart

Author and Speaker

A passion of the heart and soul; A personal journey of aging and caretaking of older family members; A spiritual reckoning that confirmed my own faith that there’s more than what we experience here on Earth; An unrelenting belief that our life is simply a miniscule moment of the eternity we will experience after death.

Death is not to be feared. There’s peace in the preparation of the path in The Road Home. There is a beauty, a calm presence, and at times, even an excitement and joy to be reunited in our eternal home with Jesus Christ, our savior, and our many loved ones.

Sharon S. Stewart, of Midwestern Michigan roots, has lived in Fountain Hills, Arizona for almost thirty years. An accountant and controller with a business degree from Walsh College and a champion of many causes and volunteerism, Sharon has led a busy professional life but most treasured are her roles as wife, mother, and grandmother. Family is her greatest treasure. When not surrounded by family, gardening, culinary pursuits, playing with her two goldendoodles, Teddy and Juni, travel, and supporting and volunteering with various nonprofits and causes fill her “off-time.” Sharon is the founder of The Road Home Ministries. Additionally, she is a strong proponent and advocate for mental health and wellness.

The Road Home is only the beginning of her numerous envisioned book projects, as well as, the hosting of guided retreats and events for women, seniors, those with terminal illness, and caretakers. In addition to publishing The Road Home, Sharon is also crafting a journal-like workbook in accompaniment.

Please return and visit often as there will be many reveals ongoing about the book!

Sharon S. Stewart-Author and Speaker

An Unprecedented Limited Edition Devotional

The Road Home is a curated collection of scripture and art devoted to the path to eternity. It’s never too late for the search and direction whatever stage in one’s life. This book is also a breathtaking platform for reconciliation, redemption and reunion for those traveling for years or for those who have lost a loved one and experiencing grief.

In The Road Home, Author, Sharon Stewart, collaborates with watercolor artist, Ariella Feuerstein, to create an immersive experience that allows the readers to pause, reflect, and lean into the serenity, joy and peace of the promised eternity. Fear, dread, and uncertainty are replaced with calm preparation, a grateful heart, and uplifted spirit.

As one approaches the final chapter, the end of life, the search for meaning, this book provides a beautiful journey through a unique, captivating selection of art and scripture

The Road Home Journaling Guide: Your Trip Plan to Eternity by Sharon S. Stewart is in accompaniment to her curated Devotional Book. Sharon is available for speaking engagements, workshops, and retreats.

Written By Sharon S. Stewart

Illustrated by Ariella Feuerstein

Painting A “Peace of Heaven”

Meet Ariella. She is sixteen years old, but you would never know upon gracing her acquaintance. She is wise beyond her years. Ariella’s art career started when she was five years old, drawing her Mother, Jessica, a beautiful piece of prophetic artwork to bring her mother comfort through a dark season of grief. Ariella’s biological father was passing away from cancer and was at the end of life, but Ariella was just beginning her journey of comforting others through her gift of art.

Today, Ariella is an accomplished artist and Illustrator of two books; The Road Home and The Kid WarPlan. She enjoys several expressions of art, but her favorite is pencil sketch. She is also passionate about portrait artistry. Ari is surrounded by five other siblings and her mother and father who adore her.

The author of The Road Home, Sharon S. Stewart, truly believes this collaboration was orchestrated from above and cannot even fathom, at times, the divine collaboration that she and Ari have had on this project. You will be moved, captivated, and drawn into Ari’s imagery and see how uniquely perfect it is, coupled with Sharon’s writing, for reflection, meditation, prayer, and moments of quiet solitude to be transported in heart and spirit.

Ariella Feuerstein-Illustrator and Artist

Ariella Feuerstein-

Illustrator and Artist

The Road Home is for:

Those searching for answers regarding the life after death

Those in the second half or last third of their life when the soul searching of aging comes into personal play

The terminally ill

The dying

The caretakers, family, and friends of those in their last stage of life

A gift for adult children who will face the loss of their parents, grandparents, and elders some day

A bereavement gift for anyone who has lost a loved one

A devotee of scripture and Christian or faith-based books

An art aficionado of beautiful imagery

A collector and fan of devotional books

Churches, bible study groups, church bookstores, libraries, ministries, hospice care organizations, senior/assisted living residences, nursing centers, oncology practices, and death and bereavement associations

*The Road Home is available for wholesale, retail, bulk, and sponsored book sales. It will also be available on online platforms for individual purchase and signed copies on request and for events.